Troy University Counseling and Medical Aspects Discussion

You have a 19 year old male who discovers that he has chronic kidney disease and his physcian states that he needs dialysis. He is a student- athlete at a university.

As a rehabilitation counselor, how will this affect him in the future (social, recreational, occupationally)? What factors would you look for in his rehabilitation? You are to assess this person from the whole person concept. This concept can be found in chapter 1 of Brodwin textbook.

What if a 72 year old woman had the same condition. How will this affect her in the future (social, recreational, occupationally)? What factors would you look for in her rehabilitation? You are to assess this person from the whole person concept. This concept can be found in chapter 1 of Brodwin textbook.

Reference your responses using credible sources from the Internet.

Please make at least 1 original post of more than 100 words!

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