The current water crisis, environmental science homework help

For the tutor (this is a group work between me and some fellow mates about converting humid air into drinkable h2o it almost done I would like you to find and add a source based on a scientific article and write two to three paragraph about it and site as many please include the cited work below as well i would like you to add one paragraph as an introduction too.)

Use at least one source, and share source with group!


The current water crisis affects all aspects of society on a global level. For some, it is an abstract concept and for others, an unfortunate truth. Although water makes up the majority of the planet, freshwater makes up only an insignificant fraction of that water. In fact, “1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. In essence, only 0.007 percent of the planet’s water is available to fuel and feed 6.8 billion people” (National Geographic Society). This crisis has inspired many to explore alternative ways of conserving and harvesting fresh water. Abdul-Rahman Abdul-Kader M. Faqih, inventor of the Atmospheric Water Generator, is committed to the idea of converting hot, humid air to potable water. Faqih notes that “the lower layer of the atmosphere surrounding the earth contains over three trillion cubic meter of renewable water, which is about one-thousandth of the water stored on the surface of the earth… [while] the daily drinking water consumption of the earth population is about two hundred twelve million cubic meter” (Faqih, 1), leaving a significant amount of water for irrigation, agriculture, restoration, recreation, and various other uses. Another reason why this notion of bottling humid air for drinkable water is important, is because it is a very reasonable way to provide safe water to the people who live in hot, humid, rainforest regions. It is known that these regions are some of the most desperate. The people there lack money, food, and accessibility to health centers and water. By bottling the humid air that surrounds these people, they would be able to obtain clean water at will. One may think that this idea is not feasible because there is not enough water in the air in order to have a substantial amount, but this is not the case. Research states that “the absolute humidity in regions by and near the shores of oceans and seas could reach up to 25 grams of water per cubic meter of air” (Faqih, 1). This amount of humidity in the air makes these theories capable of being pulled off. Water in the air is a new source of clean water that humans have not been able to tap into before. This would be a huge breakthrough that would put less pressure on society to find more clean water. It could lead to big benefits if people are able to trap this water vapor and drink it safely. This research is not only important for environmental issues, but also important to the less privileged people who are living without clean water while available clean water is in the air around them.

Despite the current water crisis, a significant portion of the fresh water harvested and treated is used for strictly irrigation purposes. Nature simply cannot keep up with the rate at which society is consuming fresh water. The solution to our water crisis is in the air. According to the article, Design of an Atmospheric Water Generator: Harvesting Water Out of Thin Air by Kiara Pontious and other contributing authors,“the atmosphere contains 3.4 quadrillion (or 3400 trillion) gallons of water vapor at any given time, which would be enough to cover the entire Earth in 1 inch of water.” This article talks about how to improve the current Atmospheric Water Generator, which functions by cooling the air to a temperature low enough for the air to pass its dew point and begin condensation. The problem is making the Atmospheric Water Generator affordable, reliable, energy efficient and safe. According to the article, two concepts were created to overcome these problems. The first concept uses the ground as its natural inclination. A certain depth is determined where the temperature is naturally 55 degrees. In addition, a variation of geothermal cooling is used to force the air to condense. The second concept that the article talks about involves a thermoelectric cooler. This device uses electrical currents to cool one side and heat up another. When air passes by the cooler side of the device it forces water vapor to condense. The results of their experiment was successful. They found that on a large scale, the Atmospheric Water Generator can produce more drinkable water than current designs.

In all, the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) can help provide water in spite of all the polluted and contaminated surface water available. The AWG can be used in small towns and countries that don’t have the privilege to have access to clean fresh water. With more awareness and advertisement of the benefits of this device, engineers should be able to get the AWG on the market for to help millions of people.

As mentioned above, the atmospheric water generator is a great way attain fresh clean water. It is inexpensive and will change the lives of millions who do not have access to clean water. This machine is complex and the process of acquiring water from water vapor is highly intriguing.

First, “the water condensation unit with a fan and an evaporator coil in the inside of the tank draws in ambient air. This generates condensation on the evaporation coils” (White, 1). All of this water then collects into the tank and is then filtered. To filter the water, ozone is pumped into the “purification tank” with condensed water to clarify the water (White, 1). The water needs to be constantly moving and circulated to avoid the formation pollution from bacteria. Another way the water is purified is through the use of an LED light. This light is installed in the purification chamber to destroy microscopic bacteria (White, 1).

Another way of purifying the water in the purification chamber is with a “contact biocide”. It is a “nonmechanical way to purify the water without LED lights or ozone”(White, 1). This comes in pellet form and is used to stabilize bromine and kills bacteria. This pellet is simply dropped into the purification chamber and soon the water is safe to drink. This method is simple and easy to perform (White, 1).

Some other features of the Atmospheric Water Generator include a “heat-cooling unit” that allows the user to choose between hot or cold water and a sensor that indicates if the water level in the tank is too high (White, 1). These features are important for functionality and convenience.

In all, the functionality of this invention is simple, efficient, and revolutionary because the user does not have to be an environmental engineer or a scientist to use this device and make water out of thin air.

The Atmospheric Water Generator is a concept that is extremely feasible and likely to make an impact on the current freshwater crisis society is facing. There is constant negativity surrounding the condition of the environment which can cause a feeling of helplessness. It leads to thinking that small, personal actions do not make an impact on the planet. The abundance of water vapor in the humid air of various regions around the world is significantly greater than the daily drinking water consumption of Earth’s population. The Atmospheric Water Generator allows the collection and purification of this water, leaving a generous amount for agriculture, irrigation, recreation and many other uses. By trapping the air, letting it run through its intricate system and putting it through the necessary processes, clean water is completely attainable for all regions, no matter its location or socioeconomic status. It is likely that this invention will bring an end to water scarcity across the globe. Every action does matter and can make a difference. As shown, there is enough water in the atmosphere to allow this generator to run and achieve its goals. It is truly a great invention and concept. Inventions and concepts like these are where the passion of engineering comes from. This where that fire remains lit and carries on.

Works Cited

Faqih, Abdul-Rahman Abdul-Kader M (2003). “Production of Potable Water and Freshwater

Needs For Human, Animal and Plants From Hot and Humid Air.” U.S. Patent No. US6574979 B2. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Guerin, Nima, Kiara Pontious, Brad Weidner, Andrew Dates, Olga Pierrakos, and Karim Altaii.

“Design of an Atmospheric Water Generator: Harvesting Water Out of Thin Air.” IEEE Xplore Digital Library. IEEE, 13 June 2016. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.

Society, National Geographic (n.d.). “Freshwater Crisis.” National Geographic,

(Nov. 22, 2016).

White, K. (2013). U.S. Patent No. US20130047655 A1. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and

Trademark Office.

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