the criminal justice system, law homework help

There is a perception that in criminal proceedings, minorities receive disparate treatment and harsher sentences despite the guidelines set out in the Sentencing Reform Act (especially with regard to the first offender waiver and the exceptional sentence provisions.There is a perception that a lack of uniformity exists in prosecutorial decision-making regarding criminal cases involving minority persons.Minorities believe that some law enforcement officials tend to treat minority persons with disrespect and engage in offensive behavior toward minority persons.Those working in the judicial system believe that the quality of justice delivered to minority litigants who require the services of an interpreter for legal proceedings are adversely impacted by the unavailability of a sufficient number of competent and trained interpreters int he court system.Those minorities who must rely on public defender organizations perceive themselves to be disadvantaged because those agencies remain understaffed, poorly funded, and lack sufficient available resources.There is a perception that minorities are underrepresented, if represented at all, on most juries.There is a perception that some judges, lawyers, other officers of the court, and court staff have made offensive remarks and have demonstrated other biased attitudes toward minorities appearing in court.Minorities perceive that they do not have access to rehabilitation programs as readily as non-minority defendants.There is a perception that the criminal justice system provides inadequate protection, access, support, and services to minority victims of crime.


Keough, R. (2000). The Color of Justice. Commonwealth. Dorchester: Massachusetts District Court.

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least one reference…..

Ask a probing question.

Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.

Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience.

Make a suggestion.

Expand on your colleague’s posting.

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