the ability of an atom to combine with other atoms is determined by the atom’s, assignment help

1-The ability of an atom to combine with other atoms is determined by the atom’s:

a. atomic weight.

b. ability to form isomers

c. number and distribution of electrons.

d. nuclear configuration.

e. mass number.

2- The ball-and-stick structure of methane (CH4) shows that all

a- bonds are hydrogen bonds.

b-bond angles are the same

c-bond lengths are the same

d-Both a and b

e-Both b and c

3- The idea of spontaneous generation was disproved through experiments by

a- Stanley Miller

b- Harold Urey

c- Francesco Redi

d- Louis Pasteur

e- Both c and d


The idea of spontaneous generation was disproved through experiments by 

a- true 

b- false 

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