Super-deep’ diamonds may hold new information about Earth’s interior (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • How are “super deep” diamonds different than most natural diamonds and where in the mantle might these “super deeps” form?
  • How did scientists reproduce the formation of these potential diamonds?
  • What features in diamonds make them useful for learning about the Earth’s interior?
  • How is a diamond’s hardness of value to scientists?.

This course has a Science Literacy component that counts as 10% of your total grade. There are two total assignments. The goal of this assignment is to track your appreciation of science news. For this assignment, you will fully answer the questions about the article (link below) and turn in on Canvas by 11:59 on the due date listed. Answers up to one week late will be given up to half-credit. The assignment is not available past one week- 9/30/17.

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