resistant learners and communication. Language is vital to a person’s self-identity, health and medicine homework help
I need to get participation points for this week. My classmate responded to my previous Week 3 Assignment 1 posting that I just submitted and I need to make some sort of reply to it. It can be one quick paragraph 4 sentences with a reference.
My classmates posting was:
Mia, great post!
I agree with your post about resistant learners and communication. Language is vital to a person’s self-identity. Language allows us to understand each other. The Social Identity Theory was developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner in the 1970s and the 1980’s. The major assumption of this theory is that the individuals will have the tendency to achieve and maintain a positive self-distinctiveness, which will be highly motivated by the membership in a group (Communication Theory, 2016).
Communication Theory, (2016), Retrieved from.…
I just need to reply to it with one paragraph and a reference. The paragraph can be approximately 4 sentences with a reference.