Prescription Drugs and Herbs and Supplements Lab, biology homework help


Prescription Drugs and Herbs and Supplements Lab

Go to the following web address:


Bottom left click on:

Consumers under “Resources for You”

Then Click on:

Part A Dietary Supplements

Part B Approved Drugs

Finally Click on:

Part A

Tainted products marketed as dietary supplements potentially dangerous

Tainted Body Building Products

Tainted Sexual Enhancement Products

Tainted Weight Loss Products

Part B

How FDA Evaluates Drugs

FAQs about the FDA Drug Approval Process

Everything you always wanted to know about approved medicines (but didn’t know where to look)

Student responsibility:

Your job as a research scientist is to visit your local grocery or drug store and document (3) dietary supplements and (3)over the counter FDA approved drugs. Use the above FDA links to explain your findings. Explain the claims of (3) dietary supplements and if you think those claims are legitimate, unreasonable or unhealthy. Explain the claims of (3) drugs and their side effects and if you think those side effects warrant the benefits of the drug. You will compose a report following the below guidelines. You will give an introduction discussing the difference between supplements and FDA approved drugs.Document your materials and methods of retrieval of information. Then explain your results from the information collected. Finally, write your conclusion/discussion to explain your research.

Laboratory Write-Up:

Laboratory reports will be written on an individual basis, and will follow a basic journal article format: Introduction/Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Be sure to include citations where appropriate. Laboratory write-ups must be turned in by the beginning of the following laboratory session to avoid a late penalty.


1. All lab reports must meet the basic requirements: be word-processed, and include citations where appropriate. Reports should be double-spaced, while figure or table legends should be single-spaced. Pages should be numbered (top right corner).

2. Reports should be stapled. Do not use paper clips. Loose pages, or pages with no name, will not be graded.

3. Units: Be sure to include any relevant units in both the text write-up and in figures or tables.

4. Verb tense: Use past tense when reporting your own current findings, and the present tense when discussing the published work of others. Therefore, the Introduction will be written in the present tense, while the Materials and Methods, and Results and Discussion sections will be written in the past tense. This is in keeping with scientific tradition where published data is considered to be part of the existing theoretical framework, while new data (your experiments) are not yet considered established knowledge.

Report Format:

Each lab report will include the following sections: Introduction/Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.

1. Introduction/Objective: This section should provide a general background, so that the reader can understand the question being addressed in the experiment. This is the time to orient the reader to the problem with a short review of the current literature, and then explain the reasons for the particular experiment. This should lead the reader to the objective or purpose (objective) of the experiment being conducted.

2. Materials and Methods: In this section, you should describe how the experiment was performed, including equipment and supplies used. Be specific. Include names of materials, equipment, and reagents, along with equipment settings or reagent doses used in each portion of the experiment. Include any other information which is necessary for successful completion of the experiment. For example, include incubation times and temperatures, description of experimental diets, descriptions of controls, etc. This section should be in paragraph form; do not give a numbered outline.

If you are using a procedure or protocol that has been previously used and described by another investigator, it is common practice to briefly describe the procedure or setup, and then reference the previously published work. This is particularly important if you are adding to, or changing, the previous protocol.

3. Results: This section should include a description of your results and any data obtained during your experiment. The Results section should begin with a descriptive text of the results from each experiment. This should be in paragraph form, and should only include the facts—save the interpretations and explanations for the Discussion section. As you proceed through your data, include figures, tables, or drawings of your data, referring to each diagram in the text. Place each figure or table as close as possible to where you refer to it in the text. Do not put all your figures and tables at the end of the report. Be specific in the results text. In general, the reader should be able to read through the results text and be able to understand the main findings. Do not show calculations in the text or figure legends—only show final results. Include calculations in a Calculations subsection at the end of theResults section. Make sure to include units in all calculations, and for all values given in the Results text.

For each figure (or table), include a legend. This should include the figure (or table) number, a title, and a short description. Figures should be sequentially numbered using Arabic numbers, and the title should be a sentence, ending with a period. Figure legends are placed below the figure, while table legends are place above the table. Table legends should be sequentially numbered using Arabic numbers. Following the figure or table title, include a brief description of how the data was obtained. Also point out any unique features that you specifically want the reader to notice. If several figures use the same procedure, you may refer back to the previous figure, rather than repeat the protocol information. Whenever possible, data in figures and tables should be prepared using a computer; pen and pencil drawings are to be avoided. Be sure to include labels for axes, symbols, etc, and include any relevant units.

4. Discussion/Conclusion: In this section, give a brief summary of the results of your experiment, and then address why these results are important. This is where you should interpret your results, and provide an explanation of how they integrate with the theoretical aspects of the experiment. Do your results support your original hypothesis (objective)? Why or why not? How do these results fit with the broader picture that you began with in the Introduction? Address any technical issues that may have affected your results. Also, describe any unexpected results, and how they modify your original hypothesis. Make sure you use specific figure numbers if you refer to figures in the Results section.


Students are to sign out and watch the DVD Medicine Man inside the library. After viewing the movie construct a one page overview to include a brief review of the movie and the importance of what the story line was trying to relay to the viewer. The paper shall have 1 inch borders, 11 point Times Roman font, and double space lines.


Peppered Moth Lab

During the Industrial Revolution of the mid and late 1800’s in England, air pollution became a serious problem due to the production of large quantities of smoke, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and many other air pollutants from industrial processes. During this time it was also observed that a dark colored version (carbonaria form) of the peppered moth (Biston betularia) became much more prevalent than the lighter colored version (typica form), which had been the most common form before the begin of the Industrial Revolution. Experiments conducted during the 1950’s by H.B.D. Kettlewell and others demonstrated that this change in the frequency of the occurrence of the dark colored moth was an example of natural selection. The moths were observed resting on trunks or branches of trees. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, these trees had light grey colored bark due to the presence of lichens on the trunks. High quantities of SO2 killed off the lichens (in some cases revealing darker tree bark beneath) and the deposition of smoke particles darkened the lichens and the tree bark. On a dark background, the light colored moths are much more visible to the birds that prey on the moths, and a darker-colored moth would be better camouflaged. Kettlewell and others conducted experiments that demonstrated the relationship between the increase in air pollutants, the increase in the carbonaria form and the decrease in the typical form of the peppered moth.


Go to the following web address:


Click on:

One of the Data and Statistics by Topic

Student responsibility:

Your job as a research scientist is to visit the above link to explain, define, and present statistics for a particular disease. You will compose a report following the below guidelines. You will give an introduction of the disease, and why it is a problem. Document your materials and methods of retrieval of information. Then explain your results from the information collected. Finally, write your conclusion/discussion to explain your research.

Laboratory Write-Up:

Laboratory reports will be written on an individual basis, and will follow a basic journal article format: Introduction/Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Be sure to include citations where appropriate. Laboratory write-ups must be turned in by the beginning of the following laboratory session to avoid a late penalty.


1. All lab reports must meet the basic requirements: be word-processed, and include citations where appropriate. Reports should be double-spaced, while figure or table legends should be single-spaced. Pages should be numbered (top right corner).

2. Reports should be stapled. Do not use paper clips. Loose pages, or pages with no name, will not be graded.

3. Units: Be sure to include any relevant units in both the text write-up and in figures or tables.

4. Verb tense: Use past tense when reporting your own current findings, and the present tense when discussing the published work of others. Therefore, the Introduction will be written in the present tense, while the Materials and Methods, and Results and Discussion sections will be written in the past tense. This is in keeping with scientific tradition where published data is considered to be part of the existing theoretical framework, while new data (your experiments) are not yet considered established knowledge.

Report Format:

Each lab report will include the following sections: Introduction/Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.

1. Introduction/Objective: This section should provide a general background, so that the reader can understand the question being addressed in the experiment. This is the time to orient the reader to the problem with a short review of the current literature, and then explain the reasons for the particular experiment. This should lead the reader to the objective or purpose (objective) of the experiment being conducted.

2. Materials and Methods: In this section, you should describe how the experiment was performed, including equipment and supplies used. Be specific. Include names of materials, equipment, and reagents, along with equipment settings or reagent doses used in each portion of the experiment. Include any other information which is necessary for successful completion of the experiment. For example, include incubation times and temperatures, description of experimental diets, descriptions of controls, etc. This section should be in paragraph form; do not give a numbered outline.

If you are using a procedure or protocol that has been previously used and described by another investigator, it is common practice to briefly describe the procedure or setup, and then reference the previously published work. This is particularly important if you are adding to, or changing, the previous protocol.

3. Results: This section should include a description of your results and any data obtained during your experiment. The Results section should begin with a descriptive text of the results from each experiment. This should be in paragraph form, and should only include the facts—save the interpretations and explanations for the Discussion section. As you proceed through your data, include figures, tables, or drawings of your data, referring to each diagram in the text. Place each figure or table as close as possible to where you refer to it in the text. Do not put all your figures and tables at the end of the report. Be specific in the results text. In general, the reader should be able to read through the results text and be able to understand the main findings. Do not show calculations in the text or figure legends—only show final results. Include calculations in a Calculations subsection at the end of theResults section. Make sure to include units in all calculations, and for all values given in the Results text.

For each figure (or table), include a legend. This should include the figure (or table) number, a title, and a short description. Figures should be sequentially numbered using Arabic numbers, and the title should be a sentence, ending with a period. Figure legends are placed below the figure, while table legends are place above the table. Table legends should be sequentially numbered using Arabic numbers. Following the figure or table title, include a brief description of how the data was obtained. Also point out any unique features that you specifically want the reader to notice. If several figures use the same procedure, you may refer back to the previous figure, rather than repeat the protocol information. Whenever possible, data in figures and tables should be prepared using a computer; pen and pencil drawings are to be avoided. Be sure to include labels for axes, symbols, etc, and include any relevant units.

4. Discussion/Conclusion: In this section, give a brief summary of the results of your experiment, and then address why these results are important. This is where you should interpret your results, and provide an explanation of how they integrate with the theoretical aspects of the experiment. Do your results support your original hypothesis (objective)? Why or why not? How do these results fit with the broader picture that you began with in the Introduction? Address any technical issues that may have affected your results. Also, describe any unexpected results, and how they modify your original hypothesis. Make sure you use specific figure numbers if you refer to figures in the Results section.

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