Unethical Influence Tactics
Think about a time when you experienced a leader who used negative or unethical influence tactics in an organization, or research a leader known for the use of negative or unethical influence tactics. You must identify the leader and organization, and provide a URL to the website of one or the other as part of a narrated presentation.
- Provide a brief overview of the leader and the organization, the situation, and any other key players relevant to the situation.
- Describe the specific unethical influence tactics that were used in the situation. Then, analyze those influence tactics in terms of the leader’s overall leadership strategy and use of power within the organization.
- What was the outcome of the situation? If you were the leader in that situation, what would you have done differently?
Presentation Requirements:
- Your presentation should be either a 5- to 8-minute video or 10-12 narrated slides with images and detailed speaker notes (between 75 to 100 words per slide), not counting the title and reference page slides, which you must include in both the video and slide presentation.
- You may use your smartphone, webcam, or other video recording device, PowerPoint or an internet-based program such as Prezi or Slide Rocket. Be sure to include the URL of your presentation when using internet-based tools. Paste the URL into a Word document and upload it with your presentation.
- You may also record your audio/video presentation using the Schoology tools. Click here for a Schoology tutorial on how to add audio or video to an assignment.
- Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your sources.
- Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA. See the Example PPT Presentation in the Online Research and Writing Lab for information on