The future of health care reform, Explore what other countries are doing.


  • The length should be at least 2,000 words and must follow either APA or MLA guidelines.
  • The first page should contain your name and the title of your essay.
  • Divide your essay into sections and title each section in bold.
  • At the beginning write a 100-150 word summary of your essay and your last section should be entitled “Conclusions”.
  • Make sure to includes the theories and concepts that you have learned during the semester to support your research.
  • Include a reference page (APA or MLA). You must support your research with five empirical studies + your book. See All of your articles must be peer reviewed research articles. To recognize a peer reviewed article, check to make sure it starts with an abstract and includes references at the end. See
  • Articles that are not peer reviewed will not be accepted
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