some mutiple health questions
A 36-year-old man presents to his physician complaining of scrotal
swelling .
He states that the swelling has been present for 1 week. He initially noticed the swelling shortly after moving furniture for his new living house.
He denies any nausea,vomiting, change in bowel habits,abdominal pain, or urinary tract symptoms. He has no other significant medical or surgical history. On examination,he has an enlarged right hemi- scrotum with a mass that appears to be originating at the level of the external inguinal ring.
With the patient completely relaxed, the
physician is able to reduce the mass by pushing it back through the external
inguinal ring. With the mass reduced, the physician instructs the
patient to perform a Valsalva maneuver, upon which a protrusion is felt at the
external inguinal ring. Once the mass is reduced, the testicle
appears normal in size and consistency.
Question 1 of 4
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
/ A. Hydrocele
/ B. Femoral hernia
/ C. Inguinal hernia
/ D. Testicular cancer
/ E. Varicocele