report those basic assumptions in your response as it relates to how you made your insurance plan ch
report those basic assumptions in your response as it relates to how you made your insurance plan choice. Perhaps an interesting way to approach this is to think in terms of the worst-case scenario. A QUESTION OF ETHICS In the discussion of payment to physicians, we see that fee-for-service structures can be an incentive for overtreat- ment (the provision of unnecessary services). Conversely. we see that capitation payments can be an incentive to underserve (withhold necessary services). From an ethical standpoint, which method of payment is more appropriate. in your opinion? . Despite various government programs, over 45 million people remain without health insurance. Is it societys responsibility to provide health care services to all? . Should there be limits to the amount of medical care pro- vided, and should those limits be applied only to those who cannot pay? In other words, is a two-tiered system of health care appropriate-basic health care for the poor and full-coverage health care for those who can pay?