Rel homework discussion
There are 4 discussion I will pay 10 for each of them. You need read the word ducument and write the discussion. Total time is 36 hours all of the requirement was wrote in word ducument. If you finish this work well I will send you other religion work in next few weeks and work together until Augest.1.Before posting to this Discussion Forum you will need to have read all of your assignments for this section (Chapter One of your textbook and your Online lessons).After submitting your answer respond to the answers of at least one of the other students. This homework assignment is worth 10 points.In your own words, explain why you think it is important to study different religions. Further, give your thoughts and response to the differences between religion and spirituality as discussed under the online Introduction lesson. Then, explain what you think of the quote, “A myth is a true story that may or may not have happened” and how it relates to our material in this course. Finally, discuss several aspects so far that you’ve learned from the online lessons that make Hinduism different from other religions you may be familiar with2.Answer the following Critical Thinking Question. Make sure you have read the online lessons for this section (Deities), viewed all the video links, as well as reading this section in your textbook before answering this post.After submitting your answer respond to the answers of at least one of the other students. This homework assignment is worth 10 points. Make sure to answer all parts of the question.Before posting to this Discussion Forum you will need to have read Chapter 3 in your textbook and ALL of the Online Lessons for this week.Answer any ONE of the following Discussion Questions in this discussion forum. After submitting your answer, respond to the answers of at least one of the other students. This homework assignment is worth 10 points.Choose any 3 Hindu scriptures from the lessons and describe the basic story and theme. Then, choose any 3 Hindu beliefs you learned about in this lesson so far and discuss in detail.Or, discuss the three influences on dharma (caste, stage of life and gender) and your reflections/critiques of it. What ethical issues does this raise? How do these elements of Hinduism affect your perception of it?Or, experience India by reading the online journals No Trains Four Days and Rishikesh. Then view the corresponding Online India Photo Album. Then, give detailed reflections/thoughts in response and how they relate to the material you’ve learned so far in the course. Make sure to be thorough with this answer3.Choose any TWO of the specific gods or goddesses you read about this lesson and describe them in detail (include the imagery, myths, symbolism and characteristics). What are your thoughts and reflections on each of these deities and how they relate to the beliefs of Hinduism? Very importantly, make sure to specifically address any videos you viewed and/or listened to in the lessons that pertain to these particular deities, giving your specific feedback and reflection.Note: This is a Post First discussion topic. You will not be able to read another student’s post until you’ve posted your response. You will respond to the answers of at least one of the other students4.Before posting to this Discussion Forum you will need to have read Chapter 3 in your textbook and the pertaining Online Lessons. Post your answer to ONE of the questions below. Then, respond to the answer of at least one of the other students. This homework assignment is worth 10 points.Describe a several of the images from your lessons on Puja and how they related to various elements of puja you read about. Further, discuss what you read in the article on Modern Arranged Marriages at the CNN website and reflect on what you learned about Hindu marriage overall. (Make sure to include your reflection on the specific marriage video links in the lesson).Or, choose one specific element of puja, one sacred site, one ritual, and one holiday covered in the online lessons and discuss each one in detail. Give specifics from what you learned in this unit and detailed, vivid descriptions. If you choose an element that had a video link in the lessons, be sure to describe that as well. Make sure to also give your own reflections on each element you choose as well.Or, experience India, puja and sacred space first hand by reading any of these travelogues: Rishikesh Puja, Kicking a Cow and The Ganges and viewing the Online India Photo Album. Give your detailed reflections regarding these and how they relate to what you have learned in your text and online lessons. Do not be vague – be thorough in your own words.Note: This is a post first discussion topic. You will not be able to read another student’s post until you’ve posted your response. You will respond to the answers of at least one of the other students.