project research continues

Discussion 4: Journal Week 4


Reflect on your time spent on-site the last week and provide the following:

  • Summarize discussions with Site Contact Person, meetings attended and/or special projects.
  • Describe any activity performed or observed at your site and explain why that had significant meaning to you.

In addition to your reflection answer the following:

What type, if any, of statistical data does your site collect? If they do not collect any data that you are aware of, what statistics do you believe would help the organization? How can you incorporate this information in your project and research paper?

LP4.2 Assignment: Written Report Part I

Directions: In writing your draft, be sure to follow the outline for Part I in the Text of the Report section of the Project Instructions. Go to Course Information, click on Project Instructions, and SCROLL DOWN to “Text of the Report.” Read this section again and refer to the outline for Part I immediately after it.


1. Briefly describe project and its significance to you and the organization (why you chose it)
2. Relationship to management
3. Overview of responsibilities, assignments, tasks, etc.
4. Review of purpose

1. Participating organization and brief description
2. Location(s) and significant general information
3. Site contact person(s) and field instructor(s) with titles and significant identification
4. Definition of terms. (List and define all terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.)

Project Planning
1. In-depth review of the considerations in selecting the project and site
2. Stated personal goals and objectives regarding the project
3. Stated organization goals and objectives regarding the project
4. In-depth complete description of the anticipated project (scope, responsibilities and tasks)
5. Strategy/tools used to accomplish goals/responsibilities

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