Progress Report

This report is a confidential written account (report) of the design experience up to that point, an evaluation of individual contributions to the team activity and suggestions on how to improve the team work. It should include:

a) a clear and complete definition of the project

b) a complete assessment of the progress to date on the project (site, constraints, alternatives considered, decisions made w/ justification, etc.)

c) your contributions to the project to date

d) a description of team organization and function

e) an assessment of the project schedule and any deviations/modifications

f) a discussion of changes that have been or need to be made for successful completion of the project

g) a concise set of conclusions regarding progress to date and immediate actions to take

This assignment should result in a readable progress report that is organized and flows logically toward a concise set of conclusions. The specific goals (desired outcomes) which will be assessed are as follows;

1. Students should be able to write a clear and succinct definition of the project on which they are working

2. Students should able to write a readable report that is organized and flows logically

3. Students should be able to document project progress in a professionally written and grammatically correct manner.

The group members responsibles:

jacob, drainage and water and pivilion.

Emily, basketball & vollyball court.

Martin, walking path and two bridges.

Ali(me), uitilites( public restromom and dring water fountain).

I will attach the group report please dont copy just write summery report in general and focus on the restroom part that was most of my work.

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