Please read below

Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

Forum Question:

Discuss the three most significant aspects of threat that will continue to evolve over the next 20-years.


50 points

Meets Standards

40 points

Below Standards

30 points


0 points

Initial Discussion Posting

The initial post is worth a maximum total of 50 points.

Contribution is posted by due date and demonstrates an understanding of the concepts presented by providing evidence from the material and references (with citations) to the readings and associated resources.

Contribution contains no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Posting is made on time.

Contribution demonstrates an understanding of the concepts presented by providing evidence from the material or references (with citations) to the readings and associated resources.

Contribution contains no more than 3 unique spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Posting is made on time.

Contribution demonstrates an understanding of the concepts presented, however no reference to the readings or associated resources is made to support the ideas shared.

Contribution contains no more than 4 unique spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Posting is made after the due date.

Does not contribute or answer the question posed.

Contribution contains more than 4 unique spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Posting is made after the due date.


50 points

Meets Standards

40 points

Below Standards

25 points


0 points

Responses to Discussion Posts of Other Participants

The responses to other participants are worth a maximum total of 50 points.

There are more than 2 responses to others by the due date and each advances the learning by including at least two of the following components:

Validates post with additional evidence from the literature.

Poses a thoughtful question.

Provides an alternative point-of-view

Offers additional insight into how the concept might be understood.

Responses contain no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Responses to others advance the learning by including at least one of the following components:

Validates post with additional evidence from the literature.

Poses a thoughtful question.

Provides an alternative point-of-view

Offers additional insight into how the concept might be understood.

Responses contain no more than 3 unique spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Only 1 response is posted, or responses to others do not advance the learning, or include any of the following components:

Validates post with additional evidence from the literature.

Poses a thoughtful question.

Provides an alternative point-of-view

Offers additional insight into how the concept might be understood.

Responses contain more than 4 unique spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Responses to others are made after the due date.

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