Personal Ethics Statement: Statement and Story, health and medicine homework help

Option #1: Personal Ethics Statement: Statement and Story

Demonstrate your ability to apply ethics to your future career in a health care setting by creating a statement and story of your professional ethics and the story behind your ethical perspective.

This statement and associated story should clearly identify your “ethics bottom line” and be suitable for framing or use as a poster. Creativity is encouraged, so be free to express yourself visually as well as in writing. Be sure that your statements are complete sentences and are free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Support your ethics statement with a one-page support document that explains its origins and presents your story. This document can be single-spaced but must not exceed one page. Your document should elucidate why you chose the items that were included in your statement. It should also reflect how you applied your learning in the course to what you have written.

Please submit two pages.

  1. Your professional ethical statement (consider a few sentences or a brief paragraph or two)
    1. Place the ethical statement on one-page and prepare it so that it is suitable for framing or use as a poster.
    2. Use your creativity to express yourself visually as well as in writing.
    3. Place this information on a page of its own
  2. A one-page associated story that supports and explains the foundations of your statement.
    1. This document can be single-spaced and must not exceed one page.
    2. Your story should elucidate why you chose the items that were included in your personal ethics statement. It should also reflect how you applied your learning in the course to what you have written.
    3. Sometimes students write about their upbringing and other foundations of life that guide their ethical thinking
    4. Place this information on a page of its own.
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