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Professional Paper Guidelines


Thepurposeofthisassignment istoallowthe learnerto demonstrate writing skills, organizational skills, and ability to correctly present ideas and credit others in APA format when writing a professional paper.


Thisassignmentenablesthestudent tomeet thefollowingcourseoutcomes.

CO #3.Demonstrateeffective verbal,written,andtechnological communicationusing legal and ethical standardsfortransferringknowledge using success resources provided to Chamberlain students.(PO #3)

CO #4. Integratecriticalthinking andjudgment in professional decision-makingin collaboration withfacultyandpeers. (PO #4)

CO #5. Apply concepts of professionalismwhen planning for personal,intellectual,and professional development. (PO #5)

CO #9.Demonstrate accountability forpersonal andprofessional developmentbyassessing information and technology competence,implementing plansforupgrading technologyskills, and using effective strategiesforonline student success using resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO #5)


Submit theassignment to theWeek6Dropboxby Sunday,11:59 p.m.MT.


Thisassignmentisworthatotal of200points.

PREPARINGTHEProfessional Paper

1.  Carefully read thisdocument (Professional Paper Guidelines),includingtheRubric.

2.  From Doc Sharing (APA Resources category),download theAPA Paper Template.Renamethat document asYour Last NameProfessional Paper.docx. Save itto yourown computerorflash drive in a location where you will be able toretrieve itlater.Type yourassignment directlyon the saved document.Remember that onlyMicrosoftWord 2010oralater version is acceptable.The document mustbesaved as a.docx.Save yourworkfrequentlyas you type to preventlossofyourwork.

3.  Mechanics of the Professional Paper include:

a.  Times New Roman size 12 typeface (font) double spaced with 1-inch margins

b.  No abstract

c.  Correct APA format

d.  Correct spelling, apostrophe use, grammar, paragraphing, and sentence structure

e.  Contents must include Title Page, body of the paper (500600 words including Introduction, two Main Points from your Professional Paper Worksheet outline, and Conclusion), and References page.

f.  Two Main Points and Conclusion should be Level 1 headings.

g.  References should only include your Hood textbook and the article you selected in your Professional Paper Worksheet that was approved by your instructor.

h.  Contents of the paper must include any revisions suggested by your instructor in Professional Paper Worksheet feedback.

4.  When yourassignment iscomplete, save and close yourProfessional Paper. Enterthecourseand submit thedocument asan attachment totheWeek 6Dropbox.See the Week6 Assignments pageforstep-by-step instructionsonhowto usethe Dropbox.





Description: See Rubric for details.





Clearly introduce and define the topic, as well as describe its importance to professional nursing.

First Main Point



Clearly address the First Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet.

Second Main Point



Clearly address the Second Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet.




Clearly summarize the paper and make a concluding statement.

APA Format

 Title Page



Title page adheres to the format of the APA Paper Template assigned.

 Margins, font, spacing, headings



Margins, font, spacing, and headings adhere to APA format.




 Provide APA format citations for each idea (and or words) not originally your own.




References page adheres to APA format for Hood textbook and scholarly professional nursing journal article approved in Professional Paper Worksheet.

Professional Writing

Organization, clarity, structure, paragraphing



Writing is organized and clear using appropriate structure and paragraphing. Paper contains 500-600 words excluding title page and references page.

Spelling and apostrophe use, grammar, professional wording



Writing adheres to American English rules of spelling, apostrophe use, and grammar. Wording is professional.




Aqualityassignmentwillmeetor exceedalloftheabove requirements.

Grading RUBRIC

Assignment Criteria

A: (92–100%)

Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance

B: (84–91%)

Very Good or High Level of Performance

C: (76–83%)

Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance

F: (0–75%)

Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance



25 points

Clearly introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing.

(2325 points)

Introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing.

(2122 points)

Introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing. Depth and detail are fair. (1920points)

May not introduce or define the topic, or may not describe its importance to professional nursing in a sufficient manner.


First Main Point

 50 points

Clearly addresses the First Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are excellent.

(4650 points)

Addresses the First Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are good.

(4245 points)

Vaguely addresses the First Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are fair.

(3741 points)

May or may not address the First Main Point. May or may not include 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are minimal.

(036 points)

Second Main Point

50 points

Clearly addresses the Second Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are excellent.

(4650 points)

Addresses the Second Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are good.

(4245 points)

Vaguely addresses the Second Main Point including 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are fair.

(3741 points)

May or may not address the Second Main Point. May or may not include 2 or more sub-points from Professional Paper Worksheet. Depth and detail are minimal.

(036 points)


25 points

Clearly summarizes the paper and makes a concluding statement.

(2325 points)

Summarizes the paper and makes a concluding statement.

(2122 points)

Summary and concluding statement are fair.


May or may not include both summary and concluding statement.


APA Format

Title Page

2 points

Title page adheres well to the format of the APA Paper Template assigned (0-2 errors).

(2 points)

Title page somewhat adheres to the format of the APA Paper Template assigned (3 errors).

(1 point)

Title page does not adhere well to the format of the APA Paper Template assigned (4 or more errors). (0 points)

Margins, font, spacing, headings

4 points

Margins, font, spacing, and headings adhere well to APA format.

(4 points)

Margins, font, spacing, and headings adhere fairly well to APA format.

 (3 points)

Adherence of margins, font, spacing, and headings to APA format is only fair.

(2 points)

Margins, font, spacing, and headings do not adhere well to APA format.

(01 points)


9 points

 Provide very good APA format citations for each idea (and or words) not originally your own (0–1 error).

 (9 points)

 Provide good APA format citations for each idea (and or words) not originally your own (2–3 errors).

(8 points)

 Provide fair APA format citations for each idea (and or words) not originally your own (4 errors).

(7 points)

 Provide minimal APA format citations for each idea (and or words) not originally your own (5 or more errors).

(06 points)


10 points

References page adheres well to APA format for Hood textbook and scholarly professional nursing journal article approved in Professional Paper Worksheet (0-1 error).

(910 points)

References page adheres to APA format for Hood textbook and scholarly professional nursing journal article approved in Professional Paper Worksheet (2-3 errors).

(8 points)

References page APA format for Hood textbook and scholarly professional nursing journal article approved in Professional Paper Worksheet has fair format (4 errors).

(7 points)

References page may not adheres to APA format for Hood textbook and scholarly professional nursing journal article approved in Professional Paper Worksheet (5 or more errors).

(06 points)

Professional Writing

Organization, clarity, structure, paragraphing

15 points

Writing is very well organized and clear using very good structure and paragraphing.

Paper contains 500-600 words excluding title page and references page.

(1415 points)

Writing is organized and clear using appropriate structure and paragraphing.

Paper contains 500-600 words excluding title page and references page.

(1213 points)

Writing organization is fair and sometimes uses appropriate structure and paragraphing.

Paper contains slightly fewer than 500 words or slightly more than 600 words excluding title page and references page.

(11 points)

Writing is not well organized and not clear using minimal appropriate structure and paragraphing.

Paper contains significantly fewer than 500 words or significantly more than 600 words excluding title page and references page.

 (010 points)

Spelling and apostrophe use, grammar, professional wording

10 points

Writing adheres very well to American English rules of spelling, apostrophe use, and grammar. Wording is very professional.

(910 points)

Writing adheres to American English rules of spelling, apostrophe use, and grammar. Wording is usually professional.

(8 points)

Writing sometimes adheres to American English rules of spelling, apostrophe use, and grammar. Wording is sometimes professional.

(7 points)

Writing does not always adhere to American English rules of spelling, apostrophe use, and grammar. Wording is not always professional.

(06 points)

TOTAL: 200 points possible

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