Paper: Eddy Current Separator, engineering homework help
Conduct a 4 pages in-depth report in topic of “Eddy Current Separators” for solid waste management class from a DESIGN point of view.
All reports should be single spaced manuscripts with a minimum of 5 references to be listed at the end of the manuscript. Figures and tables can be scanned if appropriately referenced. Better use references from .org and .edu website. Reports should include the following sections
a. Executive summary [max. ½ page] – Describe the challenges and findings of your research
b. Theory [max. 1 page] – Include all physical characteristics of the selected method including all fundamental principles and governing equations of this method.
c. Design [max. 1 page] – Discuss all design parameters and design approach.
d. Environmental sustainability [max. 1 page] – Recommend future or innovative methods and practices to achieve environmental sustainability based on improvements on current method or alternatives.
e. References [min. 5 references; max. ½ page]
Note:This is for Envrionmental Engineering Graduate Class. Please write it in professional engineering style