Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job and their interactions and activities noted for

Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job and their interactions and activities noted for further analysis. Observations can include

1. how individuals communicate (time spent, amount of detail, responsiveness);

2. how individuals make decisions (time spent, involvement sought, etc.); and

3. how work is performed (under pressure, in groups, etc.).

Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probe for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.

1. What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?

2. What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?

3. How have you developed the skills that you have?

4. Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Who do you ask for help?

5. What do you find most frustrating about your job?

6. What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?

It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed/observed.

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