need 800 to 950 words

When you review various curricular plans, you may see a variety of terms. Some programs use the term “program outcomes” while others use the term “terminal objectives” for those actions that the student is expected to accomplish upon graduation. The same is true for individual courses. Some programs call the knowledge and skills that a student should master by the end of the course “course outcomes” while others use the term “course objectives.” All of the terms have a specified definition in literature and according to accreditation agencies. What are the similarities and differences between the terms according to the literature and to accrediting agencies? Select a program or course   and critique their use of these terms. Do they use them in a manner consistent with the literature and/or accreditation agencies or do they use them differently? Include your review of the program in your response to this discussion question. Support your response with literature. Your critique could be at the program level or at the course level. You do not need to do both levels.

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