Mini Bio Project- I have materials no need to start from scratch!!!!

1. TITLE: Choose a title that tells the reader the organism used, the independent 
variable, and the dependent variable. Center your name under the title.

2. INTRODUCTION: HYPOTHESISYour hypothesis is given as a prediction statement (not as a question or a paragraph) and should include the independent and dependent variables. Do not begin your hypothesis with, “My hypothesis is…….”,  or “The purpose of this experiment is………”, or “I think…..”.  Simply state the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable as a prediction. For example, “Increasing amounts of molasses will lower the rate of CO2 production during yeast fermentation.”

Re-write your answers to the following questions in a coherent paragraph along with your hypothesis:

  • What is the independent variable (experimental condition) being tested?
  • What is the dependent variable being measured (all the samples have the same dependent variable)?
  • What is my control bottle? Explain why.

2. INTRODUCTION: The first sentence is an observation or states a known fact about yeast cells and/or the alcoholic fermentation process (written in the present tense). The next several sentences back up the topic sentence with in-text citations that describes your scientific reasoning for designing your experiment to test your hypothesis. Use APA style format, e.g., (last name of the author, date of publication). For this assignment, textbooks are not sufficient sources of information. You should include a few supported statements about yeast, alcoholic fermentation and your chosen independent variable (e.g., effect of basic pH, different sugars found in diet coke, etc).

3. METHODS:The methods section should explain what you did in enough detail so a competent person could repeat the experiment exactly as you have done from start to finish. Include the techniques, concentrations, times, temperatures, etc. Methods are written in the PAST TENSE and in the passive voice (e.g., “The bottle was heated.”). First person is acceptable (“I heated the bottle.”), the second person is not (“You heat the bottle.”).

RESULTS: This section should include a brief summary (one or two sentences) statement of the results, and direct the reader to the data table (Table 2) of your results, and yourgraph (Figure 1) of the results of the experiment. Finally, record any experimental observations you made during the experiment. Even though they may be in the middle of the paper, the data table and graph should provide enough information so that the reader can understand the experimental results without reading the text. Be sure to give a title and include the measurement units on both the table and the graph. DO NOT interpret your results here – only present the data that you gathered.

A. Statement of Results – Use one to two descriptive, coherent sentences that concisely summarize the major trends or patterns of the results from the 3 sample bottles.

D. Experimental Observations: 
Record any experimental observations you made during the experiment; include bottle numbers, quantitative data and units of measurement. (e.g., noting a balloon that has too little CO2 to measure or the point at which the balloon is upright, and other unusual or unexpected events).e.g., Bottle # containing “X” produced #mm of what gas product at the end of # minutes of yeast fermentation.

DISCUSSION and CONCLUSIONS: Explain how the results support or falsify your hypothesis. Explain any unexpected results. Explain ay factors that you did not control which may have affected the experiment. If you were to repeat this experiment, what would you do differently? Use in-text citations to show how your data is supported by other research or known facts (references). Properly cite these sources using APA style! Describe other experiments that could be done to expand research in this area of yeast fermentation (e.g., fermented food production).

WORKS CITED:  You will cite your references using APA style (a minimum of two sources cited in APA style is required). In your Works Cited (your list of references), include the authors (or editor), year of publication, title of the article, journal (or book) title, volume number, page numbers, if available, using APA style of formatting references. Online articles or websites should include their electronic address (or which database was used) along with the date of its retrieval. Use valid scholarly sources (not Wikipedia, blogs, etc.).

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