Medical material advances
You will locate, evaluate and summarize 5 articles per month due on or as close to the 15th of the month listed. These will be displayed in a 3 ring binder notebook with an SLR format cover page. You will also print a copy of the original article (up to 10 pages per article). You will also use the exact format of this page provided at the end of this document.
Aug./Sept. -Medical material advances
The completed set of research articles (5 per month) should reflect your individual interests.
These materials may take different forms: articles from magazines or journals, downloaded materials, newspaper articles.
For each item, you should provide the following information:
a. the exact source of the materials (give complete bibliographical citations for print and visual materials, complete URLs for Internet downloads);
b. a brief statement (a sentence is plenty) explaining why you consider the selected item important enough – or interesting enough – for inclusion;
c. An executive summary must be written in your own words, at least 250 words per article.
(try to make it simple please)