Mechanics of the Professional Paper, health and medicine homework help
- Mechanics of the Professional Paper include:
- Times New Roman size 12 typeface (font) double spaced with 1-inch margins
- No abstract
- Correct APA format
- Correct spelling, apostrophe use, grammar, paragraphing, and sentence structure
- Contents must include Title Page, body of the paper (500–600 words including Introduction, two Main Points from your Professional Paper Worksheet outline, and Conclusion), and References page.
- Two Main Points and Conclusion should be Level 1 headings. No Level 2 headings are needed for this short paper.
References should only include your Hood textbook and the assigned article for the competency
Hood (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Introduction: patient centered care:
[ First Main Point ] Key attribute to patient centered care in nursing.
[ Second Main Point ] – Factors contributing to patient centered care in nursing Leadership Supportive technology