“Is the growing wealth divide ethical?”

Follow APA guidelines for paper format, citing and referencing. 

 Social justice is a growing concern as it relates to health, quality of life, infant mortality, and life expectancy. There is growing concern that the wealthy are getting wealthier at the expense of the poor, who are getting poorer. Consider once again, the TED Talk from week 6 and the idea of inequality and application of the “Veil of Ignorance” 

Answer this question: “Is the growing wealth divide ethical?”

Choose a side: pro or con. You may not choose a neutral stance.

Review the videos below. You may use additional, credible sources of your own as well.

Address why you have chosen your stance, using support for your view from the weekly material and the videos below.

From the UNNATURAL CAUSES series:  Episode 7 – Not Just a Paycheck: Growing Wealth Divide Is Bad for Health

From the UNNATURAL CAUSES series:  Episode 5 – Place Matters: Living in Disadvantaged neighborhoods is bad for your health

From the UNNATURAL CAUSES series:  Episode 1 – In Sickness and In Wealth: There’s No Such Thing as Small Stuff: Being Poor in Louisville

Your final paper should be 3 full pages, in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, include a cover page and reference page, and be formatted according to APA guidelines

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