Improving the Capital Planning Process and The Future of Managed Care

Please answer the two statements’ questions:

1) A quote from the Clarke article, “In this Roundtable, veteran healthcare executives offer advice and best practices on how hospitals can overcome some of the common issues concerning capital allocation.” Of the suggestions offered by the health care executives, in a minimum of 250 words, explain which concept(s) give you the greatest insight into creating an improved Capital Planning process in the organization where you work (or one in which you are familiar)? Be sure to identify which article or executive you are referencing.


Clarke, R. L., et. Al., (2004). Inside the real world of capital allocation. Healthcare Financial Management, 58 (12), 81.

Anonymous. (2006). Capital planning: how strategic is your organization? Healthcare Financial Management, 60 (7), H1.

2) Managed Care was birthed in the 1980’s. The concept of managed care was implemented as a cost-containment measure of the once soaring healthcare expenditures. As a result, additional concepts such as medical neccessity and utilization review came to the forefront. Visit the website for Kaiser-Permanente or another HMO in order to gain further insights. After performing your research, in 250 words, discuss the fundamental features of a managed care organization. Discuss your predictions on the future of managed care? Will it still be around in another 10-20 years or do you believe it will be replaced?

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