HA45210 Temple University Current Event Presentation
Each week we will have an “issues” session. In order to get credit, you must present a current issues article on the assigned day and hand-in a 1 page (single-spaced) synopsis of your findings. Your written assignment will include three questions based on the chosen article and the required reading which you ask in your presentation to facilitate class discussion. The presentations will occur at the start of class. Presenters who arrive late will not receive credit. The paper must include your name, date, and a full citation[1] of the article presented. You should scan the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and/or the Philadelphia Inquirer (no other media will be accepted) on a daily basis for any articles related to healthcare organizations, health insurance, the pharmaceutical industry, or other health delivery related news. Do not choose clinical medicine or health education issues. You may scan archives of these papers for articles as well, but the article must have been published in the last six months.
Each session has an assigned topic. The article discussed should focus on that topic or a topic previously covered in class – planning is necessary to find a substantive article. Although this submission portal is open all semester long, your papers will be due at 7am on the day you select for the presentation – late papers will not be accepted and you may not change your presentation day unless you give one week’s notice.
The only way to get credit for a presentation is to have your paper submitted on time via Canvas. Points will be deducted for failing to follow directions! Presenting an article previously presented will result in a grade reduction.
Your presentation must be well organized and rehearsed. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes. Time limits will be strictly enforced.