Final project (Personal Wellness Plan), health and medicine homework help

Guidelines for Final Project (Personal Wellness Plan)

·  Submit the paper electronically to LiveText and the link on Bb

·  A hard copy of the paper is not required

·  The personal plan for wellness is a scholarly discussion; correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax are expected. 

·  The grading rubric provided will be utilized to evaluate your wellness plan

·  Cover all required components thoroughly.  The paper should be a maximum of four (4 ) pages in MLA style, typed and double-spaced(no more than 4 pages!!!)

HS 101 meets the Enduring Foundations General Education Program requirement Outcome 10: Health and Wellness: Knowledge and responsibility in relation to health and wellness.  There are five (5) dimensions/criteria that must be achieved.  The components of the course and of the written personal plan for wellness incorporate the required criteria, and the grading rubric for the personal wellness plan demonstrates the level of student achievement of expected outcomes.

Dimension/Criteria 1: Comprehends basic health and wellness concepts and facts

Wellness Plan Component #1:

·  Describe your personal definition of health and wellness.  Include your personal identification of risk factors that may impact your health and wellness.

Dimension/Criteria 2: Understand the interrelationships among the dimensions of health and wellness

Wellness Plan Component #2:

·  Identify personal dimensions important for personal health and wellness (examples include physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, occupational, financial, and intellectual dimensions).

Dimension/Criteria 3: Explore societal and cultural relationships with health and wellness using a diverse and global perspective

Wellness Plan Component #3:

In a minimum of two (2) well-developed paragraphs respond to the following:

·  If you needed health care, how would you respond to the need and what would your expectations be?

·  In a health care situation, what would role would you family play in the situation?

Dimension/Criteria 4: Demonstrate personal health and wellness values

Wellness Plan Component #4:

Establish a wellness plan, including a realistic timeline over the next five (5) for developing life-long habits that demonstrate your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.  Include, at a minimum,  the following:

·  Physical fitness

·  Stress management

·  Health promotion behaviors/choices (examples include routine health screenings, choices related to alcohol/tobacco use)

·  Resources to enhance your ability to reach your health and wellness goals (examples include  identifying a  personal support system, joining a fitness club, taking a nutrition class, connecting with a mentor, keeping a personal journal)

The plan should include identification of personal S.M.A.R.T. goals that will bring you closer to your definition of health (these were discussed in the class focusing on financial health).

Dimension/Criteria 5: Accept personal responsibilities; demonstrate the ability to make informed choices regarding lifelong wellness strategies

Wellness Plan Component #5

·  In a minimum of three (3) well developed paragraphs, reflect upon what you have discovered about yourself related to the topics that have been discussed in class about health and wellness.

·  Please discuss the Do What You Are assignment and what that revealed to you. 

·  Identify personal beliefs that are important to you.  Take into consideration family tendencies and how you are going to modify your life to decrease the risks of health problems related to those tendencies.

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