Family Genetic History Form, health and medicine homework help


  1. Refer to the examples in Chapter 4 of your textbook that discuss development of a genogram.
  2. Download the NR305_Family_Genetic_History_Form from Doc Sharing. You will document the adult participant’s family genetic history using this MS Word document.
  3. Complete the family genetic history using the information that the adult participant is willing to share with you. The focus of this course is on the normal healthy individual so your paper does not need to contain much medical/nursing detail. Refer to your textbook or the Internet to learn what impact the family’s health history may have on the adult participant’s personal state of wellness both now and in the future.
  4. Save the completed form by clicking on Save as and add your last name to the file name, for example, NR305_Family_Genetic_History_Form_Smith.
  5. Submit the completed form to the Family Genetic Historybasket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2. Please post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q&A Forums so the entire class may view the answers.

This paper does not require APA formatting, but you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling.

Developing a pictorial genogram using symbols to identify certain relationships(e.g., divorced, sibling, deceased, etc.), may provide more insight, however, drawing may be difficult to accomplish withMS Word, therefore you are not expected to use symbols, lines, or other drawing elements. Instead, describe the relationships among the various people in theadult participant’s family’s genetic history. Remember, the goal is not to learn how to draw with Word, but to gather information about the family and recognize its significance to the adult participant and that person’s health.

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