Essay 2 and a question to answer

Required Readings

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Developing process evaluation questions [Evaluation Briefs No. 4]. Retrieved July 1, 2012 from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Evaluating your strategic plan [Evaluation Briefs No. 5]. Retrieved July 1, 2012 from

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Evaluating and disseminating intervention research. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 274-309). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved July 1, 2012 from

Mokdad, A.H. & Remington, P.L. (2010 July). Measuring health behaviors in populations.Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A75. Retrieved July 1, 2012 from



Propose an appropriate evaluation tool to measure the effectiveness of your program or intervention. Research the literature utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization articles, etc., to help you develop your evaluation tool. The tool could be a questionnaire/survey for your target population.

Write a paper (2-3 pages in length) describing your method of evaluation.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your program.
  2. Provide a sample of an evaluation tool that you have developed or modified.
  3. Discuss how you will know if your program or intervention is effective. Refer back to your program goal and objectives.

Your paper will be graded on the following factors:

  • Original work—the paper is your own work, not copied or paraphrased from any other sources.
  • References—information provided in your paper must be based on your literature search and not merely an opinion. In-text citations and a complete reference list are required. Scholarly and professional sources are required. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.
  • Precision—follows all instructions and answer each part of the assignment.
  • Breadth—shows broad knowledge of the topic (multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered, as appropriate).
  • Depth—provides detail to show more critical thought specific to the assignment.
  • Clarity—clear explanation and discussion in addressing the assignment.
  • Critical thinking—thinking that goes beyond simple description, repetition, or quotation, and comes to a relevant conclusion.
  • Application—the extent to which you apply the information to a real-life situation related to the assignment.
  • Length—meets page requirements as stated in the assignment


the importance of program evaluation.  Drawing from the required readings, as well as your own personal and/or professional health-related experiences, what are the pros and cons for conducting program evaluation?

Has to be a minimum of 200 words and has to cite with a reference and a link included

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