Develop a solid hypothesis. Provide evidence from the case, including exhibits, to support your hypothesis. Explain what actions are necessary. To do this, read the case and gather support for your hypothesis. 3 Defend why your hypothesis is better than t

Develop a solid hypothesis. Provide evidence from the case, including exhibits, to support your hypothesis. Explain what actions are necessary. To do this, read the case and gather support for your hypothesis. 3 Defend why your hypothesis is better than the other alternatives. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your hypothesis and the alternatives? Explain what follow-on actions are required.“General+Motors:+Packard+Electric+Division”+case+study&source=bl&ots=Ax-QXtBJwS&sig=7jJsAwnHB7JGHGHYGto49XqWJqU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjo6uz9otPNAhVI5SYKHc2GDCQQ6AEIXDAJ#v=onepage&q=“General%20Moto

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