Designing a clinic facility
Open the template you chose from week one in MedSpace®. From that point, you will be able to modify the template and add the information listed below.
Using your MedSpace® template, focus on the following environmental design elements:
- The health care structure such as walls, doors, hallways, waiting areas, and related structural components
- Diagnostic and treatment space equipment and location
- Customer service and amenities, such as the reception desk, bathroom, shower, vending machine, and so forth
- Clinical support areas, such as nurse’s station, charting areas, and so forth
- Physician or dentist office space for patient consultation
- Administrative offices
- Building support, such as laundry, generator facilities, housekeeping, and so forth
- Mechanical equipment, such as space for laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, gases such as oxygen, and suctions
- Color and noise elements
- Regulatory elements such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ADA guidelines
- Other elements such as IT or creative healing environmental ideas
Save your design once it is completed.
Copy the URL by clicking on Share > Copy URL > Copy URL.
The MedSpace requires a login, which I will give you. If you want to take a look first then message me and you can look at what you will have to do before bidding.