can someone please help me answer this questions 21. Compared to individual problem solving, with gr

can someone please help me answer this questions

21. Compared to individual problem solving, with group problem solving a. Hostility is increased. b. Less time is required. c 21. Compared to individual problem solving, with group problem solving a. Hostility is increased. b. Less time is required. c. Productivity is increased. d. There is less personal satisfaction. 22. The characteristics that define a small group or team are: a. Size, independence, and action toward a common goal b. Attention, cooperation, and independence c. Size, type of interaction, and action toward a common goal d. Cooperation, type of interaction, and action toward a common goal 23. The body of a letter of application should not state a. your purpose in sending the letter. b. a review of your resume. c. focus on the needs or problems of the company. ow you heard about the available opening. d. 24. Annie doesn't agree with her boss, but she is reluctant to speak against the proposal, because she doesn't want to be seen as putting her boss on the spot at the staff meeting. Annie decides not to say anything. This is a sign of what symptom of groupthink? a Direct pressure xShared stereotypes. e Self-censorship. Illusion of invulnerability. 25. A coaching style of leadership can result in higher team performance compared to groups if it is managed by professional coach b. one of the team members c. frontline manager d. an external team leader 26. The questioning phase of the interview is the responsibility of The interviewer a. b.The interviewee The interviewee primarily, but the interviewer partially. d. The interviewer primarily, but the interviewee partially. c.

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