Allied Health: Law and Ethics
IV. The Patient Safety Movement.
1. Read about this Movement. What is it and what are its goals?
2. Access the Featured Sources for Health Care Professionals. Explain the importance that health care professionals have to achieve the Movement’s Goals.
3. Access Challenges and Solutions, then read the highlights of the Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS).
These solutions are stated as Challenges. List the titles of the 14 Challenges. Each of them is titled and is briefly highlighted; for some of these challenges, you may have to “read more” to get the rest of a completed sentence to fully understand the challenge. I do not expect students to read the extended entirety of each of these challenge solutions. However, there are two that I want you to explore, they are:
a. What are healthcare – associated infections? How prevalent are they?
b. Explain the term hand-off communications. How do they contribute to medical errors?
4. Access Patient Stories; scan through a few to get a general idea of the experiences and circumstances of patients. Read the entire stories for Bill Aydt for DJ Sterner. Write a short paragraph with at least six sentences to express how you felt about their treatment, care and outcome.
The contents of your sentences should be specific, pertinent and directly related to the two patients. Show what you have learned over the past weeks by correctly using terms or concepts listed below, plus any others in the textbook.
Your paragraph must include the use of three terms from the list below for each of the two patients. A term or concept should only be used one time and not multiple times in your paragraph. Make sure you understand the terms and concepts you are using when you compose your sentences.
Duty of care Hospital and healthcare related complications
Standards of care Risk of litigation
Tort of negligence Health care power of attorney
Malfeasance Liability of physicians and/or healthcare and/or healthcare facilities
Misfeasance Wrongful death
Nonfeasance Primary care physician (gatekeeper)
Risk Management The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals
Liability Veracity
Privacy Breach
Patient Care Partnership: Understanding Rights, Expectations and Responsibilities
(Previously called, The Patients’ Bill of Rights composed by the American Hospital Association)