Air temperature over land questionnaire, environmental science homework help

Please help me with the following questions: instructions are below

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Some of the questions and answers here are intended to be simple; sometimes one word answers will suffice. Please do not copy the text – the purpose here is to get a basic overall view of the key factors that indicate the earth is indeed warming.

25. What is the trend in air temperature over land? FYI, here is an additional link documenting the seriousness of the warming:

26a. What is the trend in air temperature over the oceans?

26b. What natural disasters does this drive?

27. What is the trend in arctic sea ice?

28. What is the trend in mountain glaciers?

29. What is the trend in global sea level?

30. What is the trend in humidity over both land and water?

31. What is the trend in ocean heat content? (This is in top half mile of ocean, not just sea surface, and it is a huge problem, as we will see in Chapter 12).

32a. What is the trend in sea surface temperatures?

32b. What natural disasters does this drive?

33. What is the trend in snow coverage on land (snow different system than glaciers, which are more permanent).

34. What is the trend in temperature of the lower atmosphere? (This is through miles of atmosphere, not just earth surface, and it is also a huge problem, as we will see in Assignment 2 and in Chapter 12 when the greenhouse effect is covered).

35. This question is related to # 25 above. Here is a video link (“Chasing Ice”) showing the melting of ice in Greenland:

a) How high are the chunks of ice shooting out of the water?

b) How does the size of the calving event compare to the size of Manhattan?

c) How far did glacier retreat from 1902 to 2001?

d) How far did glacier retreat from 2001 to 2010?

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