2011 PEW Internet and American Life Center report

Review the following 2011 PEW Internet and American Life Center report readings): http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2011/HealthTopics.aspx.

Based on the report, choose the three most important research findings that health administrators must recognize and act upon in order to be responsive to today’s healthcare information seeking consumers, and justify the selections.

Assess potential healthcare disparities or digital divides that may exist among various population groups.

Explain how healthcare administrators can demonstrate cultural competency and promote diversity in the dissemination of healthcare information via the internet.

Please follow all requirements and answer each question.

  • Include introduction and conclusion.
  • Please use Peer Reviewed Articles
  • APA format is required and each reference must be cited in the paper.
  • Use headings to organize the content in your work.
  • Please no plagiarism and sources should be 5 years or less
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